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Our Story!

Where it Started

       Divine Apparel began in July of 2023 in Easton Pennsylvania. Our Founders Zachary Nye and Seth Crowell both had a strong drive to start their own business but didn't know which direction to follow. After hours of brainstorming and a lot of prayer, they landed on building a business around Christianity through which, they could evangelize. And what better way than through something our customers can wear every day! 

and thus... Divine was born!


Our Mission

 We want our brand to be a community that Christians can come and feel safe participating in. Not only that but through our clothing our goal is to give people the ability to openly wear their faith, in a way spreading their faith through fashion! Evangelism is at the center of everything we do at Divine. Souls are more important than anything else in this world.


The 20% Rule

    Our aim is to illuminate God's Divine Glory through our apparel. We genuinely believe that God can and will do great things through Divine, although we want to keep our focus on the reason we started, to do this we decided to allocate 20% of our proceeds to support churches, charities, or denominations chosen by us or our consumers. This financial dedication serves as a reminder to keep our focus on the essence of our existence, rather than merely the financial gains. To this day, Divine has donated $1,490!

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